Learn French

Courses and resources | FRENCH

Here are my top resources for learning French from beginner to advanced. You will find some courses, videos in which I share my experiences and top tips on learning French, and some guides to various aspects of the language.

Free resources

If you’re only just starting out with French, this article is a great place to get the basics. 

It takes you through the essential concepts you need to learn about, such as how to pronounce French letters, what genders are all about, how to use French adjectives and adverbs, and which tenses to use to talk about the present, the past and the future. And much more! 

Learn my top step-by-step strategies for learning French from beginner to intermediate.

Watch my video to find out whether French is an easy or difficult language to learn.

Learn the foundations of French through reading my blog posts about topics you must know if you’re serious about becoming fluent in French.

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